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13 He said to his Friends, ‘This is how Vashti[a] has answered me.[b] Give therefore your ruling and judgement on this matter.’ 14 Arkesaeus, Sarsathaeus, and Malesear, then the governors of the Persians and Medes who were closest to the king—Arkesaeus, Sarsathaeus, and Malesear, who sat beside him in the chief seats—came to him 15 and told him what must be done to Queen Vashti[c] for not obeying the order that the king had sent her by the eunuchs.

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  1. Greek Esther 1:13 Gk Astin
  2. Greek Esther 1:13 Gk Astin has said so and so
  3. Greek Esther 1:15 Gk Astin

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