Genesis 7:2-9
New King James Version
2 You shall take with you seven each of every (A)clean animal, a male and his female; (B)two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female; 3 also seven each of birds of the air, male and female, to keep [a]the species alive on the face of all the earth. 4 For after (C)seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth (D)forty days and forty nights, and I will [b]destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made.” 5 (E)And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him. 6 Noah was (F)six hundred years old when the floodwaters were on the earth.
7 (G)So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, went into the ark because of the waters of the flood. 8 Of clean animals, of animals that are unclean, of birds, and of everything that creeps on the earth, 9 two by two they went into the ark to Noah, male and female, as God had commanded Noah.
Read full chapterFootnotes
- Genesis 7:3 Lit. seed
- Genesis 7:4 Lit. blot out
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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