35 And of the Danites expert in war twenty and eight thousand and six hundred.

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12 Shuppim also, and Huppim, the children of Ir, and Hushim, the sons of Aher.

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Dan, Joseph, and Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.

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22 And of Dan he said, Dan is a lion's whelp: he shall leap from Bashan.

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42 These are the sons of Dan after their families: of Shuham, the family of the Shuhamites. These are the families of Dan after their families.

43 All the families of the Shuhamites, according to those that were numbered of them, were threescore and four thousand and four hundred.

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25 And the standard of the camp of the children of Dan set forward, which was the rereward of all the camps throughout their hosts: and over his host was Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.

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38 Of the children of Dan, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;

39 Those that were numbered of them, even of the tribe of Dan, were threescore and two thousand and seven hundred.

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12 Of Dan; Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.

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16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.

17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

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25 And the sons of Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid; Dan, and Naphtali:

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And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan.

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