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Galatians 6:9-11
New Catholic Bible
Galatians 6:9-11
New Catholic Bible
9 Let us never grow weary in doing what is right, for if we do not give up, we will reap our harvest in due time. 10 Therefore, while we have the opportunity, let us labor for the good of all, but especially for those members of the household of the faith.
11 The Cross of Christ, Our True Boast. Observe what large letters I make when I am writing to you in my own handwriting.
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- Galatians 6:11 Paul himself underlines the importance of the Letter (v. 11) and for one last time situates the problem of the Galatians before the mystery of the cross. There is an old world, that of circumcisions and human successes, and a new world, in which God calls the new Israel, i.e., all Christians, true children of Abraham. Christians belong to this world. For them, the cross is something to be shared. They agree to suffer for Christ and with him. It involves more suffering than being circumcised, but they have become “new” people (2 Cor 5:17), delivered from the world, i.e., sin. There is no other way of salvation except the cross of Christ, nor any other assurance before God. Paul knows this from experience, for he bears in his body the traces of the blows received in the exercise of his missionary work (2 Cor 6:5; 11:23-27).