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23 The ho son by ek the ho slave paidiskē woman was born gennaō according kata to the flesh sarx, but de the ho son by ek the ho free woman eleutheros was born as the result of dia promise epangelia. 24 This hostis may be eimi interpreted allegorically allēgoreō, for gar these houtos women represent eimi two dyo covenants diathēkē. One heis is from apo Mount oros Sinai Sina, bearing children gennaō to be eis slaves douleia; she hostis is eimi Hagar Hagar. 25 · ho Now de Hagar Hagar represents eimi Mount oros Sinai Sina in en · ho Arabia Arabia and de corresponds to systoicheō the ho present nyn Jerusalem Ierousalēm, for gar she is in slavery douleuō with meta · ho her autos children teknon. 26 But de the ho Jerusalem Ierousalēm above anō is eimi the free eleutheros woman , and she hostis is eimi our hēmeis mother mētēr.

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