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11 For I make-known to you, brothers, as to the good-news having been announced-as-good-news by me, that it is not according-to[a] a human[b]. 12 For I neither received it from a human, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of [c] Jesus Christ.

For When God Was Pleased To Reveal Himself To Me, I Conferred With No One

13 For you heard-of my former conduct in Judaism— that I was persecuting the church of God extremely, and destroying[d] it.

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  1. Galatians 1:11 Or, by way of, based on.
  2. Galatians 1:11 Or, mankind; that is, the authority of mankind.
  3. Galatians 1:12 Or, from, given by.
  4. Galatians 1:13 Or, ravaging, pillaging. Same in v 23.

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