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The Vision of the Temple

41 Next he brought me to the Temple and measured its door jambs at six cubits[a] wide on each side of the structure.[b] The entrance was ten cubits[c] wide and its door jambs were five cubits[d] wide on each side. He measured the length of the nave at 40 cubits[e] and its width at 20 cubits.[f]

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  1. Ezekiel 41:1 I.e. about 10.5 feet; the royal cubit was 21 inches
  2. Ezekiel 41:1 Lit. tent
  3. Ezekiel 41:2 I.e. about 17.5 feet; the royal cubit was 21 inches
  4. Ezekiel 41:2 I.e. about 8.75 feet; the royal cubit was 21 inches
  5. Ezekiel 41:2 I.e. about 35 feet; the royal cubit was 21 inches
  6. Ezekiel 41:2 I.e. about 70 feet; the royal cubit was 21 inches