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Then you are to take a flat, iron plate and set it up as an iron wall between you and the city.

“Next, you are to turn toward it, oppose[a] it, and place it under siege, because you are to lay siege to it. All of this will serve as a sign to the house of Israel.

“Now as for you, you are to sleep[b] on your left side, symbolically[c] bearing the punishment[d] of the house of Israel while you’re counting the days you’ll be sleeping on your left side[e] to bear symbolically[f] the punishment for[g] their sin. I’ve assigned you to sleep this way for 390 days, representing the years they’ve been sinning,[h] as you bear symbolically[i] the punishment of the house of Israel.

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  1. Ezekiel 4:3 Lit. it, set your face against
  2. Ezekiel 4:4 Lit. lay
  3. Ezekiel 4:4 The Heb. lacks symbolically
  4. Ezekiel 4:4 Or iniquity
  5. Ezekiel 4:4 Lit. on it
  6. Ezekiel 4:4 The Heb. lacks symbolically
  7. Ezekiel 4:4 Or the iniquity of
  8. Ezekiel 4:5 I.e. one year for each day
  9. Ezekiel 4:5 The Heb. lacks symbolically