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Israel Will Live in Security

25 Therefore thus says Lord Yahweh, “Now I will return the [a](A)fortunes of Jacob and have compassion on the whole (B)house of Israel; and I will be (C)jealous for My holy name. 26 So they will [b](D)forget their dishonor and all their unfaithfulness which they [c]perpetrated against Me, when they (E)live securely on their own land with (F)no one to make them tremble. 27 When I (G)return them from the peoples and gather them from the lands of their enemies, then I shall (H)prove Myself holy [d]through them in the sight of the many nations.

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  1. Ezekiel 39:25 Or captivity
  2. Ezekiel 39:26 Or bear
  3. Ezekiel 39:26 Lit acted unfaithfully
  4. Ezekiel 39:27 Lit in