Ezekiel 24:13
Christian Standard Bible
13 Because of the depravity of your uncleanness—
since I tried to purify you,
but you would not be purified from your uncleanness—
you will not be pure again
until I have satisfied my wrath on you.(A)
Hosea 6:4
Christian Standard Bible
The Lord’s First Lament
4 What am I going to do with you, Ephraim?(A)
What am I going to do with you, Judah?
Your love is like the morning mist(B)
and like the early dew that vanishes.
Hosea 7:13
Christian Standard Bible
The Lord’s Second Lament
13 Woe to them,(A) for they fled from me;(B)
destruction to them, for they rebelled against me!
Though I want to redeem them,(C)
they speak lies against me.
Hosea 11:8
Christian Standard Bible
8 How can I give you up, Ephraim?(A)
How can I surrender you, Israel?
How can I make you like Admah?(B)
How can I treat you like Zeboiim?(C)
I have had a change of heart;
my compassion is stirred!
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