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Then the ·Lord spoke his word [L word of the Lord came] to me, saying: “·Human [T Son of man; 2:1], these people ·want to worship idols [L have set up idols in their hearts]. They put up ·evil things that cause people to sin [L wicked stumbling blocks/obstacles before their faces]. Should I allow them to ·ask me for help [consult me]? So speak to them and tell them, ‘This is what the Lord God says: When any of the ·people [L house] of Israel ·want to worship idols [sets up idols in their heart] and put up ·evil things that cause people to sin [L wicked stumbling blocks/obstacles before their faces] and then ·come to the [consult a] prophet, I, the Lord, will answer them myself ·for worshiping idols [L in accordance with the multitude of their idols].

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