12 Yes, I will cause men to walk on you, My people Israel; (A)they shall take possession of you, and you shall be their inheritance; no more shall you (B)bereave them of children.

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And I will winnow them with a winnowing fan in the gates of the land;
I will (A)bereave them of children;
I will destroy My people,
Since they (B)do not return from their ways.

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Israel’s Final Triumph

17 “But on Mount Zion there (A)shall be [a]deliverance,
And there shall be holiness;
The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.
18 The house of Jacob shall be a fire,
And the house of Joseph (B)a flame;
But the house of Esau shall be stubble;
They shall kindle them and devour them,
And no survivor shall remain of the house of Esau,”
For the Lord has spoken.

19 The [b]South (C)shall possess the mountains of Esau,
(D)And the Lowland shall possess Philistia.
They shall possess the fields of Ephraim
And the fields of Samaria.
Benjamin shall possess Gilead.
20 And the captives of this host of the children of Israel
Shall possess the land of the Canaanites
As (E)far as Zarephath.
The captives of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad
(F)Shall possess the cities of the [c]South.
21 Then (G)saviors[d] shall come to Mount Zion
To judge the mountains of Esau,
And the (H)kingdom shall be the Lord’s.

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  1. Obadiah 1:17 Or salvation
  2. Obadiah 1:19 Heb. Negev
  3. Obadiah 1:20 Heb. Negev
  4. Obadiah 1:21 deliverers

14 You shall inherit it equally with one another; for I (A)raised My hand in an oath to give it to your fathers, and this land shall (B)fall to you as your inheritance.

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13 ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Because they say to you, (A)‘You devour men and bereave your nation of children,

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44 Men will buy fields for money, sign deeds and seal them, and take witnesses, in (A)the land of Benjamin, in the places around Jerusalem, in the cities of Judah, in the cities of the mountains, in the cities of the [a]lowland, and in the cities of the [b]South; for (B)I will cause their captives to return,’ says the Lord.”

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  1. Jeremiah 32:44 Heb. shephelah
  2. Jeremiah 32:44 Heb. Negev

15 For thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Houses and fields and vineyards shall be (A)possessed again in this land.” ’

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32 And they (A)gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and (B)all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature.

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