The People’s Reaction

18 All the people witnessed[a] the thunder and lightning, the sound of the ram’s horn, and the mountain surrounded by smoke. When the people saw it[b] they trembled and stood at a distance.(A) 19 “You speak to us, and we will listen,” they said to Moses, “but don’t let God speak to us, or we will die.”(B)

20 Moses responded to the people, “Don’t be afraid, for God has come to test you, so that you will fear him and will not[c] sin.”(C) 21 And the people remained standing at a distance as Moses approached the total darkness where God was.(D)

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  1. 20:18 Lit saw
  2. 20:18 Sam, LXX, Syr, Tg, Vg read smoke. The people (or they) were afraid,
  3. 20:20 Lit that the fear of him may be in you, and you do not

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