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13 In the evening quail rose up and covered the camp. In the morning there was a layer of dew on the ground around the camp. 14 The layer of dew evaporated, and on the surface of the desert there was something small and flaky, as small as hoarfrost on the ground. 15 The children of Israel saw it and said to one another, “What is it?”[a] because they did not know what it was. Moses said to them, “It is the bread that the Lord has given us as food.

16 “This is what the Lord commands: ‘Collect as much as each person can eat, an omer[b] per person. Let every person take as much as needed for the people living with him, for as many as there are in his tent.’ ”

17 This is what the children of Israel did. Some collected quite a bit and others much less. 18 They measured it with the omer. Those who had collected more did not have too much, while those who collected less did not have too little. They had collected just as much as each person could eat.

19 Then Moses said to them, “Nothing should be left till the morning.” 20 However, some did not obey Moses and saved a bit of it until the morning, but it grew rancid and had worms. Moses was angry with them.

21 They therefore collected it each morning, as much as each one would eat. When the sun warmed up, it melted away.

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  1. Exodus 16:15 The Hebrew word man hu, What is it? is a popular etymology of the word “manna” (see v. 31). On the Sinai peninsula the tamarisk exudes a substance resembling the biblical manna as described here. This does not make the Divine intervention any less extraordinary or eliminate the symbolic link with the Eucharist.
  2. Exodus 16:16 Omer: a measure equal to about four and a half liters. The sacred writer himself feels the need of explaining it (v. 36).