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This Power Made Us Alive From The Dead And Seated Us With Christ As Recipients of Grace

Indeed, you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you formerly walked in accordance with the [present] age[a] of this world, in accordance with the ruler of the authority[b] of the air, of [c] the spirit[d] now being at-work in the sons of [e] disobedience, among whom even we all formerly conducted-ourselves[f] in the desires of our flesh, doing the wants[g] of the flesh and of the thoughts, and were by nature children of [h] wrath, as also the rest. But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even we being dead in trespasses, made-us-alive-with Christ— by grace you are saved— and raised-us-with Him and seated-us-with Him in the heavenly-places in Christ Jesus, in order that He might demonstrate[i] in the coming ages[j] the surpassing riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

For We Are Saved By Grace For The Good Works Which God Prepared For Us

For by grace you are saved through faith. And this[k] is not from you. It is the gift of God— not of works, in order that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared-beforehand in order that we might walk in them.

So Remember Your Hopeless Condition As Gentiles Without Christ And God’s Promises

11 Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh— the ones being called “the uncircumcised” by the one being called “the circumcised” (one done-by-human-hands in the flesh)— 12 that you were at that time without Christ, having been excluded from the citizenship[l] of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without-God in the world.

But Now Christ Made Peace And Reconciled Jews And Gentiles To God Through The Cross

13 But now in Christ Jesus you, the ones formerly being far-away, were made near by the blood of Christ. 14 For He Himself is our peace, the One having made both one and having broken-down the dividing-wall of partition[m], the hostility— in His flesh 15 having abolished[n] the Law of commandments in decrees[o] in order that He might create the two in Himself into one new man, making peace, 16 and reconcile both in one body to God through the cross, having killed the hostility by it[p]. 17 And having come, He announced-as-good-news peace to you, the ones far-away, and peace to the ones near, 18 because[q] through Him we both have the access in[r] one Spirit to the Father.

So You Are No Longer Strangers, But In Christ You Are Fellow Citizens And Family Members

19 So then, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but you are fellow-citizens with the saints and family-members of God, 20 having been built upon the foundation of [s] the apostles and prophets— Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, 21 in Whom the whole building being fitted-together[t] is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in Whom also you are being built-together into a dwelling-place of God in[u] the Spirit.


  1. Ephesians 2:2 Or, the course.
  2. Ephesians 2:2 Or, power, kingdom, empire.
  3. Ephesians 2:2 That is, and of the spirit; or, who is the spirit.
  4. Ephesians 2:2 That is, spirit being, spirit world, or spiritual influence.
  5. Ephesians 2:2 That is, characterized by; or, belonging to.
  6. Ephesians 2:3 Or, lived, behaved.
  7. Ephesians 2:3 Or, wishes, desires.
  8. Ephesians 2:3 That is, belonging to, destined for.
  9. Ephesians 2:7 Or, show, display, prove.
  10. Ephesians 2:7 Or, the ages coming-upon us.
  11. Ephesians 2:8 That is, the being saved; all of v 4-8.
  12. Ephesians 2:12 Or, state, commonwealth. That is, the condition and rights of a citizen.
  13. Ephesians 2:14 partition... Law. Or, partition— in His flesh having abolished the hostility, the Law; or, partition, the hostility, in His flesh— having abolished the Law.
  14. Ephesians 2:15 Or, done away with.
  15. Ephesians 2:15 Or, regulations, ordinances.
  16. Ephesians 2:16 That is, the cross. Or, in Himself.
  17. Ephesians 2:18 Or, that.
  18. Ephesians 2:18 Or, by.
  19. Ephesians 2:20 That is, consisting of; or, laid by.
  20. Ephesians 2:21 Or, framed together, joined together, as stones were combined to make ancient buildings.
  21. Ephesians 2:22 Or, by; or, in spirit, in a spiritual manner.

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