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he predestined proorizō us hēmeis for eis adoption hyiothesia as eis his own autos sons through dia Jesus Iēsous Christ Christos, according kata to the ho good eudokia pleasure of ho his autos will thelēma, to eis the praise epainos of his autos glorious doxa · ho grace charis with which hos he has highly favored charitoō us hēmeis in en the ho Beloved agapaō. In en him hos we have received echō · ho redemption apolytrōsis through dia · ho his autos blood haima, the ho forgiveness aphesis of our ho trespasses paraptōma, according kata to the ho rich ploutos benefits of ho his autos grace charis, which hos he lavished perisseuō on eis us hēmeis in en all pas wisdom sophia and kai insight phronēsis.

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