Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:8
New Century Version
Serve God While You Are Young
7 Sunshine is sweet;
it is good to see the light of day.
8 People ought to enjoy every day of their lives,
no matter how long they live.
But they should also remember this:
You will be dead a long time.
Everything that happens then is useless.
9 Young people, enjoy yourselves while you are young;
be happy while you are young.
Do whatever your heart desires,
whatever you want to do.
But remember that God will judge you
for everything you do.
10 Don’t worry,
and forget the troubles of your body,
because youth and childhood are useless.
The Problems of Old Age
12 Remember your Creator
while you are young,
before the days of trouble come
and the years when you say,
“I find no pleasure in them.”
2 When you get old,
the light from the sun, moon, and stars will grow dark;
the rain clouds will never seem to go away.
3 At that time your arms will shake
and your legs will become weak.
Your teeth will fall out so you cannot chew,
and your eyes will not see clearly.
4 Your ears will be deaf to the noise in the streets,
and you will barely hear the millstone grinding grain.
You’ll wake up when a bird starts singing,
but you will barely hear singing.
5 You will fear high places
and will be afraid to go for a walk.
Your hair will become white like the flowers on an almond tree.
You will limp along like a grasshopper when you walk.
Your appetite will be gone.
Then you will go to your everlasting home,
and people will go to your funeral.
6 Soon your life will snap like a silver chain
or break like a golden bowl.
You will be like a broken pitcher at a spring,
or a broken wheel at a well.
7 You will turn back into the dust of the earth again,
but your spirit will return to God who gave it.
8 Everything is useless!
The Teacher says that everything is useless.
The Holy Bible, New Century Version®. Copyright © 2005 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.