25 Then men will say, ‘(A)Because they forsook the covenant of the Lord, the God of their fathers, which He made with them when He brought them out of the land of Egypt. 26 They went and served other gods and worshiped them, gods whom they have not known and whom He had not [a]allotted to them.

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  1. Deuteronomy 29:26 Lit portioned

16 The Lord said to Moses, “Behold, (A)you are about to lie down with your fathers; and (B)this people will arise and play the harlot with the strange gods of the land, into the midst of which they are going, and (C)will forsake Me and break My covenant which I have made with them.

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20 (A)For when I bring them into the land flowing with milk and honey, which I swore to their fathers, and they have eaten and are satisfied and (B)become [a]prosperous, then they will turn to other gods and serve them, and spurn Me and break My covenant.

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  1. Deuteronomy 31:20 Lit fat

10 They have (A)turned back to the iniquities of their [a]ancestors who (B)refused to hear My words, and they (C)have gone after other gods to serve them; the house of Israel and the house of Judah have (D)broken My covenant which I made with their fathers.”

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  1. Jeremiah 11:10 Lit former fathers

Then they will [a]answer, ‘Because they (A)forsook the covenant of the Lord their God and bowed down to other gods and served them.’”

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  1. Jeremiah 22:9 Lit say