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do not [a]provoke them, for I will not give you any of their land, even as little as a [b]footstep (A)because I have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession. You shall buy food from them with money so that you may eat, and you shall also bargain with them for water with money so that you may drink. For Yahweh your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand; He has known your [c]wanderings through this (B)great wilderness. These (C)forty years Yahweh your God has been with you; you have not lacked a thing.”’

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  1. Deuteronomy 2:5 Or engage in strife with
  2. Deuteronomy 2:5 Lit treading of a sole of a foot
  3. Deuteronomy 2:7 Lit goings