The Desert Years

“Then we turned and (A)journeyed into the wilderness of the Way of the Red Sea, (B)as the Lord spoke to me, and we [a]skirted Mount Seir for many days.

“And the Lord spoke to me, saying: ‘You have skirted this mountain (C)long enough; turn northward. And command the people, saying, (D)“You are about to pass through the territory of (E)your brethren, the descendants of Esau, who live in Seir; and they will be afraid of you. Therefore watch yourselves carefully. Do not meddle with them, for I will not give you any of their land, no, not so much as one footstep, (F)because I have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession. You shall buy food from them with money, that you may eat; and you shall also buy water from them with money, that you may drink.

“For the Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hand. He knows your [b]trudging through this great wilderness. (G)These forty years the Lord your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing.” ’

“And when we passed beyond our brethren, the descendants of Esau who dwell in Seir, away from the road of the plain, away from (H)Elath and Ezion Geber, we (I)turned and passed by way of the Wilderness of Moab. Then the Lord said to me, ‘Do not harass Moab, nor contend with them in battle, for I will not give you any of their land as a possession, because I have given (J)Ar to (K)the descendants of Lot as a possession.’ ”

10 (L)(The Emim had dwelt there in times past, a people as great and numerous and tall as (M)the Anakim. 11 They were also regarded as [c]giants, like the Anakim, but the Moabites call them Emim. 12 (N)The Horites formerly dwelt in Seir, but the descendants of Esau dispossessed them and destroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their [d]place, just as Israel did to the land of their possession which the Lord gave them.)

13 “ ‘Now rise and cross over (O)the [e]Valley of the Zered.’ So we crossed over the Valley of the Zered. 14 And the time we took to come (P)from Kadesh Barnea until we crossed over the Valley of the Zered was thirty-eight years, (Q)until all the generation of the men of war [f]was consumed from the midst of the camp, (R)just as the Lord had sworn to them. 15 For indeed the hand of the Lord was against them, to destroy them from the midst of the camp until they [g]were consumed.

16 “So it was, when all the men of war had finally perished from among the people, 17 that the Lord spoke to me, saying: 18 ‘This day you are to cross over at Ar, the boundary of Moab. 19 And when you come near the people of Ammon, do not harass them or meddle with them, for I will not give you any of the land of the people of Ammon as a possession, because I have given it to (S)the descendants of Lot as a possession.’ ”

20 (That was also regarded as a land of [h]giants; giants formerly dwelt there. But the Ammonites call them (T)Zamzummim, 21 (U)a people as great and numerous and tall as the Anakim. But the Lord destroyed them before them, and they dispossessed them and dwelt in their place, 22 just as He had done for the descendants of Esau, (V)who dwelt in Seir, when He destroyed (W)the Horites from before them. They dispossessed them and dwelt in their place, even to this day. 23 And (X)the Avim, who dwelt in villages as far as Gaza—(Y)the Caphtorim, who came from Caphtor, destroyed them and dwelt in their place.)

24 “ ‘Rise, take your journey, and (Z)cross over the River Arnon. Look, I have given into your hand (AA)Sihon the Amorite, king of Heshbon, and his land. Begin [i]to possess it, and engage him in battle. 25 (AB)This day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you upon the nations [j]under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of you, and shall (AC)tremble and be in anguish because of you.’

King Sihon Defeated(AD)

26 “And I (AE)sent messengers from the Wilderness of Kedemoth to Sihon king of Heshbon, (AF)with words of peace, saying, 27 (AG)‘Let me pass through your land; I will keep strictly to the road, and I will turn neither to the right nor to the left. 28 You shall sell me food for money, that I may eat, and give me water for money, that I may drink; (AH)only let me pass through on foot, 29 (AI)just as the descendants of Esau who dwell in Seir and the Moabites who dwell in Ar did for me, until I cross the Jordan to the land which the Lord our God is giving us.’

30 (AJ)“But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass through, for (AK)the Lord your God (AL)hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that He might deliver him into your hand, as it is this day.

31 “And the Lord said to me, ‘See, I have begun to (AM)give Sihon and his land over to you. Begin to possess it, that you may inherit his land.’ 32 (AN)Then Sihon and all his people came out against us to fight at Jahaz. 33 And (AO)the Lord our God delivered him [k]over to us; so (AP)we defeated him, his sons, and all his people. 34 We took all his cities at that time, and we (AQ)utterly destroyed the men, women, and little ones of every city; we left none remaining. 35 We took only the livestock as plunder for ourselves, with the spoil of the cities which we took. 36 (AR)From Aroer, which is on the bank of the River Arnon, and from (AS)the city that is in the ravine, as far as Gilead, there was not one city too strong for us; (AT)the Lord our God delivered all to us. 37 Only you did not go near the land of the people of Ammon—anywhere along the River (AU)Jabbok, or to the cities of the mountains, or (AV)wherever the Lord our God had forbidden us.


  1. Deuteronomy 2:1 circled around
  2. Deuteronomy 2:7 Lit. goings
  3. Deuteronomy 2:11 Heb. rephaim
  4. Deuteronomy 2:12 stead
  5. Deuteronomy 2:13 Wadi or Brook
  6. Deuteronomy 2:14 perished
  7. Deuteronomy 2:15 perished
  8. Deuteronomy 2:20 Heb. rephaim
  9. Deuteronomy 2:24 to take possession
  10. Deuteronomy 2:25 everywhere under the heavens
  11. Deuteronomy 2:33 Lit. before us

Israel Will Be Restored

27 In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong,
Will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent,
(A)Leviathan that twisted serpent;
And He will slay (B)the reptile that is in the sea.

The Restoration of Israel

In that day (C)sing to her,
(D)“A vineyard of [a]red wine!
(E)I, the Lord, keep it,
I water it every moment;
Lest any hurt it,
I keep it night and day.
Fury is not in Me.
Who would set (F)briers and thorns
Against Me in battle?
I would go through them,
I would burn them together.
Or let him take hold (G)of My strength,
That he may (H)make peace with Me;
And he shall make peace with Me.”

Those who come He shall cause (I)to take root in Jacob;
Israel shall blossom and bud,
And fill the face of the world with fruit.

(J)Has He struck [b]Israel as He struck those who struck him?
Or has He been slain according to the slaughter of those who were slain by Him?
(K)In measure, by sending it away,
You contended with it.
(L)He removes it by His rough wind
In the day of the east wind.
Therefore by this the iniquity of Jacob will be covered;
And this is all the fruit of taking away his sin:
When he makes all the stones of the altar
Like chalkstones that are beaten to dust,
[c]Wooden images and incense altars shall not stand.

10 Yet the fortified city will be (M)desolate,
The habitation forsaken and left like a wilderness;
There the calf will feed, and there it will lie down
And consume its branches.
11 When its boughs are withered, they will be broken off;
The women come and set them on fire.
For (N)it is a people of no understanding;
Therefore He who made them will (O)not have mercy on them,
And (P)He who formed them will show them no favor.

12 And it shall come to pass in that day
That the Lord will thresh,
From the channel of [d]the River to the Brook of Egypt;
And you will be (Q)gathered one by one,
O you children of Israel.

13 (R)So it shall be in that day:
(S)The great trumpet will be blown;
They will come, who are about to perish in the land of Assyria,
And they who are outcasts in the land of (T)Egypt,
And shall (U)worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem.


  1. Isaiah 27:2 So with MT (Kittel’s Biblia Hebraica), Bg., Vg.; MT (Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia), some Heb. mss., LXX delight; Tg. choice vineyard
  2. Isaiah 27:7 Lit. him
  3. Isaiah 27:9 Heb. Asherim, Canaanite deities
  4. Isaiah 27:12 The Euphrates

The Death of Lazarus

11 Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the town of (A)Mary and her sister Martha. (B)It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. Therefore the sisters sent to Him, saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.”

When Jesus heard that, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”

Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So, when He heard that he was sick, (C)He stayed two more days in the place where He was. Then after this He said to the disciples, “Let us go to Judea again.”

The disciples said to Him, “Rabbi, lately the Jews sought to (D)stone You, and are You going there again?”

Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? (E)If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the (F)light of this world. 10 But (G)if one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.” 11 These things He said, and after that He said to them, “Our friend Lazarus (H)sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up.”

12 Then His disciples said, “Lord, if he sleeps he will get well.” 13 However, Jesus spoke of his death, but they thought that He was speaking about taking rest in sleep.

14 Then Jesus said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead. 15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe. Nevertheless let us go to him.”

16 Then (I)Thomas, who is called the Twin, said to his fellow disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with Him.”

Read full chapter

The Lord the Defense of His People

A Song of Ascents. Of David.

124 “If it had not been the Lord who was on our (A)side,”
(B)Let Israel now say—
“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,
When men rose up against us,
Then they would have (C)swallowed us alive,
When their wrath was kindled against us;
Then the waters would have overwhelmed us,
The stream would have [a]gone over our soul;
Then the swollen waters
Would have [b]gone over our soul.”

Blessed be the Lord,
Who has not given us as prey to their teeth.
(D)Our soul has escaped (E)as a bird from the snare of the [c]fowlers;
The snare is broken, and we have escaped.
(F)Our help is in the name of the Lord,
(G)Who made heaven and earth.


  1. Psalm 124:4 swept over
  2. Psalm 124:5 swept over
  3. Psalm 124:7 Persons who catch birds in a trap or snare

13 Take the garment of him who is surety for a stranger,
And hold it in pledge when he is surety for a seductress.

14 He who blesses his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning,
It will be counted a curse to him.

15 A (A)continual dripping on a very rainy day
And a contentious woman are alike;
16 Whoever [a]restrains her restrains the wind,
And grasps oil with his right hand.

Read full chapter


  1. Proverbs 27:16 Lit. hides

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