48 (A)from Aroer, which is on the bank of the River Arnon, even to Mount [a]Sion (that is, (B)Hermon),

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  1. Deuteronomy 4:48 Syr. Sirion

(the Sidonians call (A)Hermon Sirion, and the Amorites call it Senir),

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36 (A)From Aroer, which is on the bank of the River Arnon, and from (B)the city that is in the ravine, as far as Gilead, there was not one city too strong for us; (C)the Lord our God delivered all to us.

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It is like the dew of (A)Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For (B)there the Lord commanded the blessing—
Life forevermore.

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The Land East of the Jordan Divided(A)

12 “And this (B)land, which we possessed at that time, (C)from Aroer, which is by the River Arnon, and half the mountains of Gilead and (D)its cities, I gave to the Reubenites and the Gadites.

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The Land of Gad

24 (A)Moses also had given an inheritance to the tribe of Gad, to the children of Gad according to their families. 25 (B)Their territory was Jazer, and all the cities of Gilead, (C)and half the land of the Ammonites as far as Aroer, which is before (D)Rabbah, 26 and from Heshbon to Ramath Mizpah and Betonim, and from Mahanaim to the border of Debir, 27 and in the valley (E)Beth Haram, Beth Nimrah, (F)Succoth, and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, with the Jordan as its border, as far as the edge (G)of the [a]Sea of Chinnereth, on the other side of the Jordan eastward. 28 This is the inheritance of the children of Gad according to their families, the cities and their villages.

Half the Tribe of Manasseh (East)

29 (H)Moses also had given an inheritance to half the tribe of Manasseh; it was for half the tribe of the children of Manasseh according to their families: 30 Their territory was from Mahanaim, all Bashan, all the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, and (I)all the towns of Jair which are in Bashan, sixty cities; 31 half of Gilead, and (J)Ashtaroth and Edrei, cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan, were for the (K)children of Machir the son of Manasseh, for half of the children of Machir according to their families.

32 These are the areas which Moses had [b]distributed as an inheritance in the plains of Moab on the other side of the Jordan, by Jericho eastward. 33 (L)But to the tribe of Levi Moses had given no inheritance; the Lord God of Israel was their inheritance, (M)as He had said to them.

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  1. Joshua 13:27 Sea of Galilee
  2. Joshua 13:32 apportioned

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