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(the Sidonians call Hermon Sirion, while the Amorites call it Senir),(A)

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He makes Lebanon skip like a calf
    and Sirion like a young wild ox.(A)

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The Half-Tribe of Manasseh

23 The members of the half-tribe of Manasseh lived in the land; they were very numerous from Bashan to Baal-hermon, Senir, and Mount Hermon.

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They made all your planks
    of fir trees from Senir;
they took a cedar from Lebanon
    to make a mast for you.(A)

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It is like the dew of Hermon,
    which falls on the mountains of Zion.
For there the Lord ordained his blessing,
    life forevermore.(A)

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12 The north and the south[a]—you created them;
    Tabor and Hermon joyously praise your name.(A)

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  1. 89.12 Or Zaphon and Yamin

17 from Mount Halak, which rises toward Seir, as far as Baal-gad in the valley of Lebanon below Mount Hermon. He took all their kings, struck them down, and put them to death.(A)

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48 from Aroer, which is on the edge of the Wadi Arnon, as far as Mount Sirion[a] (that is, Hermon),(A) 49 together with all the Arabah on the east side of the Jordan as far as the Sea of the Arabah, under the slopes of Pisgah.

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  1. 4.48 Syr: Heb Sion