36 From Aroer(A) on the rim of the Arnon Gorge, and from the town in the gorge, even as far as Gilead,(B) not one town was too strong for us. The Lord our God gave(C) us all of them.

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It extended from Aroer(A) on the rim of the Arnon Gorge, and from the town in the middle of the gorge, and included the whole plateau(B) of Medeba as far as Dibon,(C)

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48 This land extended from Aroer(A) on the rim of the Arnon Gorge to Mount Sirion[a](B) (that is, Hermon(C)),

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  1. Deuteronomy 4:48 Syriac (see also 3:9); Hebrew Siyon

Division of the Land

12 Of the land that we took over at that time, I gave the Reubenites and the Gadites the territory north of Aroer(A) by the Arnon Gorge, including half the hill country of Gilead, together with its towns.

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It was not by their sword(A) that they won the land,
    nor did their arm bring them victory;
it was your right hand,(B) your arm,(C)
    and the light(D) of your face, for you loved(E) them.

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More Than Conquerors

31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things?(A) If God is for us,(B) who can be against us?(C)

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19 Stand by the road and watch,
    you who live in Aroer.(A)
Ask the man fleeing and the woman escaping,
    ask them, ‘What has happened?’

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15 “See, I will make you into a threshing sledge,(A)
    new and sharp, with many teeth.
You will thresh the mountains(B) and crush them,
    and reduce the hills to chaff.(C)
16 You will winnow(D) them, the wind will pick them up,
    and a gale(E) will blow them away.(F)
But you will rejoice(G) in the Lord
    and glory(H) in the Holy One(I) of Israel.

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The cities of Aroer(A) will be deserted
    and left to flocks,(B) which will lie down,(C)
    with no one to make them afraid.(D)

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16 The territory from Aroer(A) on the rim of the Arnon Gorge, and from the town in the middle of the gorge, and the whole plateau past Medeba(B)

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Sihon king of the Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon.(A)

He ruled from Aroer(B) on the rim of the Arnon Gorge—from the middle of the gorge—to the Jabbok River,(C) which is the border of the Ammonites.(D) This included half of Gilead.(E)

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No one will be able to stand against you(A) all the days of your life. As I was with(B) Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake(C) you.

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