Daniel 7:1-3
Common English Bible
Daniel’s vision: four beasts
7 In the first year of Babylon’s King Belshazzar, Daniel had a dream—a vision in his head as he lay on his bed. He wrote the dream down. Here is the beginning of the account:
2 I am Daniel. In the vision I had during the night I saw the four winds of heaven churning the great sea. 3 Four giant beasts emerged from the sea, each different from the others.
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Daniel 7:15-18
Common English Bible
Beasts interpreted
15 Now this caused me, Daniel, to worry.[a] My visions disturbed me greatly. 16 So I went to one of the servants who was standing ready nearby. I asked him for the truth about all this.
He spoke to me and explained to me the meaning of these things. 17 “These four giant beasts are four kings that will rise up from the earth, 18 but the holy ones of the Most High will receive the kingship. They will hold the kingship securely forever and always.”
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- Daniel 7:15 Or my spirit was distressed in its sheath; Aram uncertain
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