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The Lord has sworn by his name, the Pride of Jacob, “I will never forget everything that these people did.

The whole land will shake because of it,
    and everyone who lives in the land will cry for those who died.
The whole land will rise like the Nile;
    it will be shaken, and then it will fall
    like the Nile River in Egypt.”

The Lord God says:

“At that time I will cause the sun to go down at noon
    and make the earth dark on a bright day.
10 I will change your festivals into days of crying for the dead,
    and all your songs will become songs of sadness.
I will make all of you wear rough cloth to show your sadness;
    I will make you shave your heads as well.
I will make it like a time of crying for the death of an only son,
    and its end like the end of an awful day.”

11 The Lord God says: “The days are coming
    when I will cause a time of hunger in the land.
The people will not be hungry for bread or thirsty for water,
    but they will be hungry for words from the Lord.
12 They will wander from the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea,
    from the north to the east.
They will search for the word of the Lord,
    but they won’t find it.
13 At that time the beautiful young women and the young men
    will become weak from thirst.
14 They make promises by the idol in Samaria
    and say, ‘As surely as the god of Dan lives . . . ’
    and, ‘As surely as the god of Beersheba[a] lives, we promise . . . ’
So they will fall
    and never get up again.”

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  1. 8:14 Dan . . . Beersheba Dan was the city farthest north in Israel, and Beersheba was the city farthest south.

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