12 “But you made the Nazirites drink wine
    and commanded the prophets not to prophesy.(A)

13 “Now then, I will crush you
    as a cart crushes when loaded with grain.(B)
14 The swift will not escape,(C)
    the strong(D) will not muster their strength,
    and the warrior will not save his life.(E)
15 The archer(F) will not stand his ground,
    the fleet-footed soldier will not get away,
    and the horseman(G) will not save his life.(H)
16 Even the bravest warriors(I)
    will flee naked on that day,”
declares the Lord.

Witnesses Summoned Against Israel

Hear this word, people of Israel, the word the Lord has spoken against you(J)—against the whole family I brought up out of Egypt:(K)

“You only have I chosen(L)
    of all the families of the earth;
therefore I will punish(M) you
    for all your sins.(N)

Do two walk together
    unless they have agreed to do so?
Does a lion roar(O) in the thicket
    when it has no prey?(P)
Does it growl in its den
    when it has caught nothing?
Does a bird swoop down to a trap on the ground
    when no bait(Q) is there?
Does a trap spring up from the ground
    if it has not caught anything?
When a trumpet(R) sounds in a city,
    do not the people tremble?
When disaster(S) comes to a city,
    has not the Lord caused it?(T)

Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing
    without revealing his plan(U)
    to his servants the prophets.(V)

The lion(W) has roared(X)
    who will not fear?
The Sovereign Lord has spoken—
    who can but prophesy?(Y)

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