12 I will send fire on Teman(A)
    that will consume the fortresses of Bozrah.(B)

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Your warriors, Teman,(A) will be terrified,
    and everyone in Esau’s mountains
    will be cut down in the slaughter.
10 Because of the violence(B) against your brother Jacob,(C)
    you will be covered with shame;
    you will be destroyed forever.(D)

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20 Therefore, hear what the Lord has planned against Edom,(A)
    what he has purposed(B) against those who live in Teman:(C)
The young of the flock(D) will be dragged away;
    their pasture will be appalled at their fate.(E)

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A Message About Edom(A)(B)

Concerning Edom:(C)

This is what the Lord Almighty says:

“Is there no longer wisdom in Teman?(D)
    Has counsel perished from the prudent?
    Has their wisdom decayed?

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22 Look! An eagle will soar and swoop(A) down,
    spreading its wings over Bozrah.(B)
In that day the hearts of Edom’s warriors(C)
    will be like the heart of a woman in labor.(D)

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13 I swear(A) by myself,” declares the Lord, “that Bozrah(B) will become a ruin and a curse,[a] an object of horror(C) and reproach;(D) and all its towns will be in ruins forever.”(E)

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  1. Jeremiah 49:13 That is, its name will be used in cursing (see 29:22); or, others will see that it is cursed.

The sword(A) of the Lord is bathed in blood,
    it is covered with fat—
the blood of lambs and goats,
    fat from the kidneys of rams.
For the Lord has a sacrifice(B) in Bozrah(C)
    and a great slaughter(D) in the land of Edom.

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33 When Bela died, Jobab son of Zerah from Bozrah(A) succeeded him as king.

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