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The Mission in Judea and Samaria

Springtime in Samaria.[a] Philip went down to a city in Samaria and began proclaiming the Christ to them. The crowds welcomed the message proclaimed by Philip because they had heard and seen the signs he was doing. For unclean spirits emerged with loud shrieks from many people who were possessed, and many others who were paralyzed or crippled were cured. Thus, there was great joy in that city.

The Encounter with Magic.[b] A man named Simon had been in that city for some time practicing magic and had astounded the people of Samaria, claiming to be someone great. 10 All of them, from the least to the greatest, believed in him, declaring, “This man is the power of God that is called ‘The Great One.’ ”[c] 11 And they listened to him because for a long time they had been captivated by his magic.

12 However, when the people came to believe Philip as he preached about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women. 13 Even Simon himself became a believer. After his baptism, he was constantly in Philip’s company, and he was astonished when he saw the great signs and mighty deeds that were taking place.

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  1. Acts 8:5 Another deacon brings about an opening of the Church to the world. Since their separation, their installation of a worship of their own, and their intermingling with other peoples, the Samaritans who were once brethren in religion with the Jews have come to be regarded by the latter as heretics every bit as evil as the Gentiles. The Gospel is a powerful means of salvation for all human beings, surpassing the ancient religions and political frontiers. Presented here is the first step. The ministry of Philip the deacon is described in the spirit of the Gospels, and Luke stresses the climate of joy that follows in the wake of the good news.
  2. Acts 8:9 The proclamation of the Gospel is faced with an important problem as in our day. Can human beings own spiritual forces? Under an Eastern influence, personages endowed with the power of performing prodigies circulated throughout the Empire. There were itinerant exorcists or healers (Acts 9:11, 18). Simon has an outstanding reputation in this sphere. Now the magician has come to believe in the word of the Gospel. The community at Jerusalem is troubled to hear of prodigies and conversions in Samaria, a rejected land; an apostolic inspection can only confirm the facts and give them the authentication of the Spirit.
    Simon the magician is attracted by the prestige that would be given him by the Spirit, and he wants to have the Spirit at his disposal, as do the apostles. He is even ready to pay well for it (whence the word “simony”). But he receives a stern refusal. Luke wants to set aside the forgeries that one could ascribe to Christ and the Spirit. We have here an example of a faith that becomes deeper, for the author stresses the importance of intercessory prayer for one another in matters of conversion.
  3. Acts 8:10 The Great One: perhaps a divine title, which Simon has given himself.