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When Problems Arise In Serving The Needy In The Church, Deacons Are Chosen To Oversee It

Now during these days, while the disciples were multiplying, grumbling arose from the Hellenists against the Hebrews[a] because their widows were being overlooked[b] in the daily ministry [of food]. And the twelve, having summoned the multitude of the disciples, said, “It is not pleasing[c] that we, having left-behind the word of God, should be serving tables[d].

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  1. Acts 6:1 Hellenists... Hebrews. That is, the Greek-speaking Jewish Christians... the Judean Hebrew Jewish Christians.
  2. Acts 6:1 Or, neglected.
  3. Acts 6:2 Or, not a pleasing thing.
  4. Acts 6:2 That is, food tables, dispersing food; or, money tables, dispersing money for food.

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