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and [a]Annas the high priest was there, and [b]Caiaphas and [c]John and Alexander, and all others who were of high-priestly descent. When they had put the men in [d]front of them, they repeatedly asked, “By what sort of power, or in what name [that is, by what kind of authority], did you do this [healing]?” Then Peter, filled with [the power of] the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers and elders of the people [members of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish High Court],

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  1. Acts 4:6 Annas served as high priest a.d. 6-15. He was removed from the position by Rome, but continued to be extremely influential and was regarded by the Jews as de facto high priest even though others (his sons and son-in-law) officially held the office.
  2. Acts 4:6 Caiaphas (Annas’ son-in-law) served as high priest a.d. 18-36.
  3. Acts 4:6 Perhaps this is Jonathan, one of Annas’ sons.
  4. Acts 4:7 The Sanhedrin sat in a semi-circle.

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