Paul’s Ministry at Rome

17 And it came to pass after three days that Paul called the leaders of the Jews together. So when they had come together, he said to them: “Men and brethren, (A)though I have done nothing against our people or the customs of our fathers, yet (B)I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans, 18 who, (C)when they had examined me, wanted to let me go, because there was no cause for putting me to death. 19 But when the [a]Jews spoke against it, (D)I was compelled to appeal to Caesar, not that I had anything of which to accuse my nation. 20 For this reason therefore I have called for you, to see you and speak with you, because (E)for the hope of Israel I am bound with (F)this chain.”

21 Then they said to him, “We neither received letters from Judea concerning you, nor have any of the brethren who came reported or spoken any evil of you. 22 But we desire to hear from you what you think; for concerning this sect, we know that (G)it is spoken against everywhere.”

23 So when they had appointed him a day, many came to him at his lodging, (H)to whom he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus (I)from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets, from morning till evening. 24 And (J)some were persuaded by the things which were spoken, and some disbelieved. 25 So when they did not agree among themselves, they departed after Paul had said one word: “The Holy Spirit spoke rightly through Isaiah the prophet to [b]our fathers, 26 saying,

(K)‘Go to this people and say:
“Hearing you will hear, and shall not understand;
And seeing you will see, and not perceive;
27 For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
Their ears are hard of hearing,
And their eyes they have closed,
Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I should heal them.” ’

28 “Therefore let it be known to you that the salvation of God has been sent (L)to the Gentiles, and they will hear it!” 29 [c]And when he had said these words, the Jews departed and had a great dispute among themselves.

30 Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, 31 (M)preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him.

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  1. Acts 28:19 The ruling authorities
  2. Acts 28:25 NU your
  3. Acts 28:29 NU omits v. 29.

The Ark Returned to Israel

Now the ark of the Lord was in the country of the Philistines seven months. And the Philistines (A)called for the priests and the diviners, saying, “What shall we do with the ark of the Lord? Tell us how we should send it to its place.”

So they said, “If you send away the ark of the God of Israel, do not send it (B)empty; but by all means return it to Him with (C)a trespass offering. Then you will be healed, and it will be known to you why His hand is not removed from you.”

Then they said, “What is the trespass offering which we shall return to Him?”

They answered, (D)“Five golden tumors and five golden rats, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines. For the same plague was on all of [a]you and on your lords. Therefore you shall make images of your tumors and images of your rats that (E)ravage the land, and you shall (F)give glory to the God of Israel; perhaps He will (G)lighten[b] His hand from you, from (H)your gods, and from your land. Why then do you harden your hearts (I)as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts? When He did mighty things among them, (J)did they not let the people go, that they might depart? Now therefore, make (K)a new cart, take two milk cows (L)which have never been yoked, and hitch the cows to the cart; and take their calves home, away from them. Then take the ark of the Lord and set it on the cart; and put (M)the articles of gold which you are returning to Him as a trespass offering in a chest by its side. Then send it away, and let it go. And watch: if it goes up the road to its own territory, to (N)Beth Shemesh, then He has done [c]us this great evil. But if not, then (O)we shall know that it is not His hand that struck us—it happened to us by chance.”

10 Then the men did so; they took two milk cows and hitched them to the cart, and shut up their calves at home. 11 And they set the ark of the Lord on the cart, and the chest with the gold rats and the images of their tumors. 12 Then the cows headed straight for the road to Beth Shemesh, and went along the (P)highway, lowing as they went, and did not turn aside to the right hand or the left. And the lords of the Philistines went after them to the border of Beth Shemesh.

13 Now the people of Beth Shemesh were reaping their (Q)wheat harvest in the valley; and they lifted their eyes and saw the ark, and rejoiced to see it. 14 Then the cart came into the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh, and stood there; a large stone was there. So they split the wood of the cart and offered the cows as a burnt offering to the Lord. 15 The Levites took down the ark of the Lord and the chest that was with it, in which were the articles of gold, and put them on the large stone. Then the men of Beth Shemesh offered burnt offerings and made sacrifices the same day to the Lord. 16 So when (R)the five lords of the Philistines had seen it, they returned to Ekron the same day.

17 (S)These are the golden tumors which the Philistines returned as a trespass offering to the Lord: one for Ashdod, one for Gaza, one for Ashkelon, one for (T)Gath, one for Ekron; 18 and the golden rats, according to the number of all the cities of the Philistines belonging to the five lords, both fortified cities and country villages, even as far as the large stone of Abel on which they set the ark of the Lord, which stone remains to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth Shemesh.

19 Then (U)He struck the men of Beth Shemesh, because they had looked into the ark of the Lord. [d]He (V)struck fifty thousand and seventy men of the people, and the people lamented because the Lord had struck the people with a great slaughter.

The Ark at Kirjath Jearim

20 And the men of Beth Shemesh said, (W)“Who is able to stand before this holy Lord God? And to whom shall it go up from us?” 21 So they sent messengers to the inhabitants of (X)Kirjath Jearim, saying, “The Philistines have brought back the ark of the Lord; come down and take it up with you.”

Israel Defeats the Philistines

Then the men of (Y)Kirjath Jearim came and took the ark of the Lord, and brought it into the house of (Z)Abinadab on the hill, and (AA)consecrated Eleazar his son to keep the ark of the Lord.

Samuel Judges Israel

So it was that the ark remained in Kirjath Jearim a long time; it was there twenty years. And all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord.

Then Samuel spoke to all the house of Israel, saying, “If you (AB)return to the Lord with all your hearts, then (AC)put away the foreign gods and the (AD)Ashtoreths[e] from among you, and (AE)prepare your hearts for the Lord, and (AF)serve Him only; and He will deliver you from the hand of the Philistines.” So the children of Israel put away the (AG)Baals and the [f]Ashtoreths, and served the Lord only.

And Samuel said, (AH)“Gather all Israel to Mizpah, and (AI)I will pray to the Lord for you.” So they gathered together at Mizpah, (AJ)drew water, and poured it out before the Lord. And they (AK)fasted that day, and said there, (AL)“We have sinned against the Lord.” And Samuel judged the children of Israel at Mizpah.

Now when the Philistines heard that the children of Israel had gathered together at Mizpah, the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel. And when the children of Israel heard of it, they were afraid of the Philistines. So the children of Israel said to Samuel, (AM)“Do not cease to cry out to the Lord our God for us, that He may save us from the hand of the Philistines.”

And Samuel took a (AN)suckling lamb and offered it as a whole burnt offering to the Lord. Then (AO)Samuel cried out to the Lord for Israel, and the Lord answered him. 10 Now as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel. (AP)But the Lord thundered with a loud thunder upon the Philistines that day, and so confused them that they were overcome before Israel. 11 And the men of Israel went out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, and [g]drove them back as far as below Beth Car. 12 Then Samuel (AQ)took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen, and called its name [h]Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”

13 (AR)So the Philistines were subdued, and they (AS)did not come anymore into the territory of Israel. And the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel. 14 Then the cities which the Philistines had taken from Israel were restored to Israel, from Ekron to Gath; and Israel recovered its territory from the hands of the Philistines. Also there was peace between Israel and the Amorites.

15 And Samuel (AT)judged Israel all the days of his life. 16 He went from year to year on a circuit to Bethel, Gilgal, and Mizpah, and judged Israel in all those places. 17 But (AU)he always returned to Ramah, for his home was there. There he judged Israel, and there he (AV)built an altar to the Lord.


  1. 1 Samuel 6:4 Lit. them
  2. 1 Samuel 6:5 ease
  3. 1 Samuel 6:9 this calamity to us
  4. 1 Samuel 6:19 Or He struck seventy men of the people and fifty oxen of a man
  5. 1 Samuel 7:3 Images of Canaanite goddesses
  6. 1 Samuel 7:4 Images of Canaanite goddesses
  7. 1 Samuel 7:11 struck them down
  8. 1 Samuel 7:12 Lit. Stone of Help

Folly of the Godless, and the Restoration of Israel(A)

To the Chief Musician. Set to “Mahalath.” A [a]Contemplation of David.

53 The (B)fool has said in his heart,
There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have done abominable iniquity;
(C)There is none who does good.

God looks down from heaven upon the children of men,
To see if there are any who understand, who (D)seek God.
Every one of them has turned aside;
They have together become corrupt;
There is none who does good,
No, not one.

Have the workers of iniquity (E)no knowledge,
Who eat up my people as they eat bread,
And do not call upon God?
(F)There they are in great fear
Where no fear was,
For God has scattered the bones of him who encamps against you;
You have put them to shame,
Because God has despised them.

(G)Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion!
When God brings back [b]the captivity of His people,
Let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad.


  1. Psalm 53:1 Heb. Maschil
  2. Psalm 53:6 Or His captive people

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