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23 Then he called for two officers.

Commandant: At nine o’clock tonight, you will leave for Caesarea with 200 soldiers, 70 horsemen, and 200 spearmen. 24 Have a mount for Paul to ride, and conduct him safely to Felix the governor.

25 He wrote the following letter:

26 Commandant Claudius Lysias greets his excellency, Felix, Governor. 27 The accompanying prisoner was seized by Jews who were about to kill him. I learned he was a Roman citizen and intervened with the guard here to protect him. 28 I arranged for a hearing before their council 29 and learned that he was accused for reasons relating to their religious law, but that he has done nothing deserving imprisonment or execution. 30 I was informed that a group was planning to assassinate him, so I sent him to you immediately. I will require his accusers to present their complaint before you.

31 So the soldiers followed their orders and safely conducted Paul as far as Antipatris that night. 32-33 The next day, the horsemen conducted him on to Caesarea as the foot soldiers returned to the barracks. The horsemen delivered the letter and the prisoner to Felix who read the letter. 34 The only question Felix asked concerned the province of Paul’s birth. When he learned Paul was from Cilicia, 35 he said,

Felix: As soon as your accusers arrive I will hear your case.

He placed Paul under guard within Herod’s headquarters.

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