Acts 19:11-20
New Testament for Everyone
The power of God and the powers at Ephesus
11 God performed unusual works of power through Paul’s hands. 12 People used to take handkerchiefs or towels that had touched his skin and put them on the sick, and then their diseases would leave them and evil spirits would depart.
13 There were some traveling Jewish exorcists who tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus on people with evil spirits.
“I command you,” they used to say, “in the name of Jesus, the one Paul proclaims!”
14 There were seven of them who used to do this. They were the sons of Sceva, a Jewish high priest. 15 But on one occasion the evil spirit answered them back.
“I know Jesus,” it shouted, “and I am well acquainted with Paul; but who are you?”
16 The man who had the evil spirit pounced on them and, since he was much too strong for them, overpowered all of them, so that they fled out of the house naked and battered. 17 This became common knowledge among both Jews and Greeks living in Ephesus. Fear came on all of them, and the name of the Lord Jesus grew greatly in prestige.
18 Many people who became believers came forward to make public confession, revealing what they had been up to. 19 Some who had been practicing magic brought their books and burnt them in front of everyone; someone calculated how much they were all worth, and it came to fifty thousand silver pieces. 20 So the word grew and was strong, in accordance with the Lord’s power.
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