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When they opposed and reviled him, in protest he shook the dust from his clothes[a] and said to them, ‘Your blood be on your own heads! I am innocent. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.’ Then he left the synagogue[b] and went to the house of a man named Titius[c] Justus, a worshipper of God; his house was next door to the synagogue. Crispus, the official of the synagogue, became a believer in the Lord, together with all his household; and many of the Corinthians who heard Paul became believers and were baptized.

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  1. Acts 18:6 Gk reviled him, he shook out his clothes
  2. Acts 18:7 Gk left there
  3. Acts 18:7 Other ancient authorities read Titus

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