2 Kings 2:15-18
The Voice
15 The prophets’ disciples at Jericho standing on the opposite shore were watching this.
Prophets’ Disciples: Elijah’s powerful spirit now rests upon Elisha. Elijah’s cloak now clothes Elisha.
Then the prophets’ disciples at Jericho approached Elisha and humbled themselves before him.
Prophets’ Disciples: 16 There are 50 strong men along with us, your servants, who could go looking for your mentor. Perhaps the Spirit of the Eternal inside the whirlwind swept Elijah up into heaven and left him on some mountaintop or in some valley of the lowlands.
Elisha: That won’t be necessary.
17 But they kept asking his permission for a search, and he felt ashamed, so he finally agreed. They sent out a search party of 50 men who spent three days looking for Elijah, but they found no trace of him. 18 The search party came back to Elisha while he was still in Jericho.
Elisha: I told you not to go. He’s gone from the earth.
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