1 He chargeth him to preach the Gospel with all diligence, 3 in that so miserable a time: 6 that his death is hard at hand, 8 yet so, that as a conqueror he maketh haste to a glorious triumph. 10 He showeth the cause why he sendeth for Timothy, 11 even by reason of his present state.

I [a]Charge thee therefore before God, and before the Lord Jesus Christ, which shall judge the quick and dead at that his appearing, and in his kingdom,

Preach the word: be instant, in season, and out of season: improve, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

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  1. 2 Timothy 4:1 The principal and chief of all admonitions, being therefore proposed with a most earnest charge, is this: That the word of God be propounded with a certain holy importunity, as necessity requireth: but so, that a good and true ground of the doctrine be laid, and the vehemency be tempered with all holy meekness.

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