Some Gadites(A) defected to David at his stronghold in the wilderness. They were brave warriors, ready for battle and able to handle the shield and spear. Their faces were the faces of lions,(B) and they were as swift as gazelles(C) in the mountains.

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19 The Sovereign Lord is my strength;(A)
    he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
    he enables me to tread on the heights.(B)

For the director of music. On my stringed instruments.

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33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;(A)
    he causes me to stand on the heights.(B)

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14 The swift will not escape,(A)
    the strong(B) will not muster their strength,
    and the warrior will not save his life.(C)

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11 I have seen something else under the sun:

The race is not to the swift
    or the battle to the strong,(A)
nor does food come to the wise(B)
    or wealth to the brilliant
    or favor to the learned;
but time and chance(C) happen to them all.(D)

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10 His pleasure is not in the strength(A) of the horse,(B)
    nor his delight in the legs of the warrior;
11 the Lord delights(C) in those who fear him,(D)
    who put their hope(E) in his unfailing love.(F)

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26 The mighty warriors were:

Asahel(A) the brother of Joab,

Elhanan son of Dodo from Bethlehem,

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15 the sixth Ozem and the seventh David. 16 Their sisters were Zeruiah(A) and Abigail. Zeruiah’s(B) three sons were Abishai, Joab(C) and Asahel.

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23 Saul and Jonathan—
    in life they were loved and admired,
    and in death they were not parted.
They were swifter than eagles,(A)
    they were stronger than lions.(B)

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David then asked Ahimelek the Hittite(A) and Abishai(B) son of Zeruiah,(C) Joab’s brother, “Who will go down into the camp with me to Saul?”

“I’ll go with you,” said Abishai.

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