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20 In order to change the course of affairs your servant Joab did this. But my lord has wisdom like the wisdom of the angel of God to know all things that are on the earth.”(A)

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17 Your servant thought, ‘The word of my lord the king will set me at rest,’ for my lord the king is like the angel of God, discerning good and evil. The Lord your God be with you!”(A)

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27 He has slandered your servant to my lord the king. But my lord the king is like the angel of God; do therefore what seems good to you.(A)

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Food Offered to Idols

Now concerning food sacrificed to idols: we know that “all of us possess knowledge.” Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.(A) Anyone who claims to know something does not yet have the necessary knowledge,(B)

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Whoever flatters a neighbor
    is spreading a net for the neighbor’s feet.

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28 A lying tongue hates its victims,
    and a flattering mouth works ruin.(A)

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16 “Have you entered into the springs of the sea
    or walked in the recesses of the deep?(A)
17 Have the gates of death been revealed to you,
    or have you seen the gates of deep darkness?(B)
18 Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth?
    Declare, if you know all this.(C)

19 “Where is the way to the dwelling of light,
    and where is the place of darkness,
20 that you may take it to its territory
    and that you may discern the paths to its home?(D)
21 Surely you know, for you were born then,
    and the number of your days is great!(E)

22 “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow,
    or have you seen the storehouses of the hail,(F)
23 which I have reserved for the time of trouble,
    for the day of battle and war?(G)
24 What is the way to the place where the light is distributed
    or where the east wind is scattered upon the earth?(H)

25 “Who has cut a channel for the torrents of rain
    and a way for the thunderbolt,(I)
26 to bring rain on a land where no one lives,
    on the desert, which is empty of human life,(J)
27 to satisfy the waste and desolate land,
    and to make the ground put forth grass?(K)

28 “Has the rain a father,
    or who has fathered the drops of dew?(L)
29 From whose womb did the ice come forth,
    and who has given birth to the hoarfrost of heaven?(M)
30 The waters become hard like stone,
    and the face of the deep is frozen.

31 “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades
    or loose the cords of Orion?(N)
32 Can you lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season,
    or can you guide the Bear with its children?
33 Do you know the ordinances of the heavens?
    Can you establish their rule on the earth?(O)

34 “Can you lift up your voice to the clouds,
    so that a flood of waters may cover you?(P)
35 Can you send forth lightnings, so that they may go
    and say to you, ‘Here we are’?(Q)
36 Who has put wisdom in the inward parts[a]
    or given understanding to the mind?[b](R)
37 Who has the wisdom to number the clouds?
    Or who can tilt the waterskins of the heavens
38 when the dust runs into a mass
    and the clods cling together?

39 “Can you hunt the prey for the lion
    or satisfy the appetite of the young lions,(S)
40 when they crouch in their dens
    or lie in wait in their covert?(T)
41 Who provides for the raven its prey,
    when its young ones cry to God
    and wander about for lack of food?(U)

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  1. 38.36 Meaning of Heb uncertain
  2. 38.36 Meaning of Heb uncertain

21 I will not show partiality to any person
    or use flattery toward anyone.(A)
22 For I do not know how to flatter—
    or my Maker would soon put an end to me!(B)

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23 When David inquired of the Lord, he said, “You shall not go up; go around to their rear and come upon them opposite the balsam trees.(A)

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for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,[a] knowing good and evil.”

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  1. 3.5 Or gods