The Day of the Lord

Dear friends, this is now the second letter(A) I have written to you; in both letters, I want to stir up your sincere(B) understanding by way of reminder, so that you recall the words previously spoken by the holy prophets and the command of our Lord and Savior given through your apostles. Above all, be aware of this: Scoffers will come in the last days(C) scoffing and following their own evil desires, saying, “Where is his ‘coming’ that he promised?(D) Ever since our ancestors fell asleep,(E) all things continue as they have been since the beginning of creation.” They deliberately overlook this: By the word of God(F) the heavens came into being long ago and the earth was brought about from water and through water.(G) Through these the world of that time perished when it was flooded.(H) By the same word,(I) the present heavens and earth are stored up for fire, being kept for the day of judgment(J) and destruction of the ungodly.

Dear friends, don’t overlook this one fact: With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.(K) The Lord does not delay his promise,(L) as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any(M) to perish(N) but all to come to repentance.(O)

10 But the day of the Lord(P) will come like a thief;[a](Q) on that day the heavens will pass away(R) with a loud noise, the elements will burn and be dissolved,(S) and the earth and the works on it will be disclosed.[b][c] 11 Since all these things are to be dissolved in this way, it is clear what sort of people you should be in holy conduct and godliness 12 as you wait for the day of God and hasten its coming.[d](T) Because of that day, the heavens will be dissolved with fire and the elements will melt with heat. 13 But based on his promise, we wait for new heavens and a new earth,(U) where righteousness dwells.(V)


14 Therefore, dear friends, while you wait for these things, make every effort to be found without spot or blemish in his sight, at peace.(W) 15 Also, regard the patience of our Lord as salvation, just as our dear brother Paul has written to you according to the wisdom given to him.(X) 16 He speaks about these things in all his letters. There are some things hard to understand in them. The untaught and unstable will twist them to their own destruction,(Y) as they also do with the rest of the Scriptures.

17 Therefore, dear friends, since you know this in advance, be on your guard,(Z) so that you are not led away by the error of lawless people and fall from your own stable position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge(AA) of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.[e](AB)

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  1. 3:10 Other mss add in the night
  2. 3:10 Other mss read will be burned up
  3. 3:10 Some Syriac and Coptic mss read will not be found
  4. 3:12 Or and speed the coming
  5. 3:18 Other mss add Amen.

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