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68 Indeed, God[a] is the judge; fear him! Cease from your sins and forget your iniquities, never to commit them again, so God[b] will lead you forth and deliver you from all tribulation.(A)

Impending Persecution of God’s People

69 The burning wrath of a great multitude is kindled over you; they shall drag some of you away and force you to eat what was sacrificed to idols.(B) 70 And those who consent to eat shall be held in derision and contempt and shall be trampled under foot. 71 For in many places[c] and in neighboring cities there shall be a great uprising against those who fear the Lord. 72 They shall[d] be like maniacs, sparing no one, but plundering and destroying those who continue to fear the Lord.[e] 73 For they shall destroy and plunder their goods and drive them out of house and home.

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  1. 16.68 Other ancient authorities read the Lord
  2. 16.68 Other ancient authorities read the Lord
  3. 16.71 Meaning of Lat uncertain
  4. 16.72 Other ancient authorities read For people, because of their misfortunes, shall
  5. 16.72 Other ancient authorities read fear God