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14 For gar the ho love agapē of ho Christ Christos controls synechō us hēmeis, since we have concluded krinō this houtos: that hoti one heis has died apothnēskō for hyper all pas; therefore ara · ho all pas have died apothnēskō. 15 And kai he died apothnēskō for hyper all pas so that hina those ho who are living zaō might zaō no longer mēketi live zaō for themselves heautou but alla for the ho one who died apothnēskō for hyper them autos and kai was raised egeirō. 16 So hōste from apo now nyn on we hēmeis · ho regard oida no one oudeis according kata to the flesh sarx. Even kai though ei we once regarded ginōskō Christ Christos according kata to the flesh sarx, yet alla now nyn we regard ginōskō him in that way no longer ouketi. 17 Therefore hōste if ei anyone tis is in en Christ Christos, there is a new kainos creation ktisis; what ho is old archaios has passed parerchomai away ; behold idou, what is new kainos has come ginomai!

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