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The slaves whose masters are believers should not ·show their masters any less respect [disrespect them; or take advantage of them] because they are believers. They should serve their masters even better, because they are helping believers ·they love [or loved by God; L who are beloved].

You must teach and ·preach [encourage/exhort them about] these things.

False Teaching and True Riches

Anyone who has a different teaching and does not agree with the ·true teaching [sound/healthy words] of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that ·shows the true way to serve God [promotes piety/godliness] that person is ·full of pride [arrogant; conceited] and understands nothing, but ·is sick with a love for [has an unhealthy interest in] ·arguing [controversies; debate] and ·fighting about [quarrels over] words. This brings ·jealousy [envy], ·fighting [strife; division], ·speaking against others [slander; blasphemy], evil ·mistrust [suspicions], and constant ·quarrels [bickering; disputes] from those who have ·evil [depraved; corrupted] minds and have ·lost [been deprived of] the truth. They think that ·serving God [godliness; piety] is a way to ·get rich [make a profit].

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