1 Thessalonians 5
New International Version
The Day of the Lord
5 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates(A) we do not need to write to you,(B) 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord(C) will come like a thief in the night.(D) 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,”(E) destruction will come on them suddenly,(F) as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.(G)
4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness(H) so that this day should surprise you like a thief.(I) 5 You are all children of the light(J) and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep,(K) but let us be awake(L) and sober.(M) 7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night.(N) 8 But since we belong to the day,(O) let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate,(P) and the hope of salvation(Q) as a helmet.(R) 9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath(S) but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.(T) 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him.(U) 11 Therefore encourage one another(V) and build each other up,(W) just as in fact you are doing.
Final Instructions
12 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard(X) among you, who care for you in the Lord(Y) and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other.(Z) 14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle(AA) and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak,(AB) be patient with everyone. 15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong,(AC) but always strive to do what is good for each other(AD) and for everyone else.
16 Rejoice always,(AE) 17 pray continually,(AF) 18 give thanks in all circumstances;(AG) for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
19 Do not quench the Spirit.(AH) 20 Do not treat prophecies(AI) with contempt 21 but test them all;(AJ) hold on to what is good,(AK) 22 reject every kind of evil.
23 May God himself, the God of peace,(AL) sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul(AM) and body be kept blameless(AN) at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.(AO) 24 The one who calls(AP) you is faithful,(AQ) and he will do it.(AR)
25 Brothers and sisters, pray for us.(AS) 26 Greet all God’s people with a holy kiss.(AT) 27 I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers and sisters.(AU)
28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.(AV)
Psalm 17
New International Version
Psalm 17
A prayer of David.
1 Hear me,(A) Lord, my plea is just;
listen to my cry.(B)
Hear(C) my prayer—
it does not rise from deceitful lips.(D)
2 Let my vindication(E) come from you;
may your eyes see what is right.(F)
3 Though you probe my heart,(G)
though you examine me at night and test me,(H)
you will find that I have planned no evil;(I)
my mouth has not transgressed.(J)
4 Though people tried to bribe me,
I have kept myself from the ways of the violent
through what your lips have commanded.
5 My steps have held to your paths;(K)
my feet have not stumbled.(L)
6 I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;(M)
turn your ear to me(N) and hear my prayer.(O)
7 Show me the wonders of your great love,(P)
you who save by your right hand(Q)
those who take refuge(R) in you from their foes.
8 Keep me(S) as the apple of your eye;(T)
hide me(U) in the shadow of your wings(V)
9 from the wicked who are out to destroy me,
from my mortal enemies who surround me.(W)
10 They close up their callous hearts,(X)
and their mouths speak with arrogance.(Y)
11 They have tracked me down, they now surround me,(Z)
with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground.
12 They are like a lion(AA) hungry for prey,(AB)
like a fierce lion crouching in cover.
13 Rise up,(AC) Lord, confront them, bring them down;(AD)
with your sword rescue me from the wicked.
14 By your hand save me from such people, Lord,
from those of this world(AE) whose reward is in this life.(AF)
May what you have stored up for the wicked fill their bellies;
may their children gorge themselves on it,
and may there be leftovers(AG) for their little ones.
Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.