1 Thessalonians 2:6-8
Mounce Reverse Interlinear New Testament
6 Neither oute did we seek zēteō praise doxa from ek men anthrōpos, whether oute from apo you hymeis or oute from apo others allos. 7 Although we could dynamai have made eimi demands en baros as hōs apostles apostolos of Christ Christos, we were ginomai gentle nēpios among en mesos you hymeis, like hōs ean a mother trophos tenderly nursing thalpō · ho her own heautou children teknon. 8 So houtōs deep was our affection homeiromai for you hymeis that we were pleased eudokeō to share metadidōmi with you hymeis not ou only monon the ho gospel euangelion of ho God theos but alla · ho our own heautou selves psychē as well kai, so dioti dear agapētos had you become ginomai to us hēmeis.
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