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Jonathan Warns David

35 In the morning Jonathan, accompanied by a servant,[a] went out to the field for the appointment with David. 36 Jonathan[b] told his servant,[c] “Run, find the arrows that I’m shooting.” As the servant[d] ran, Jonathan[e] shot the arrow beyond him. 37 The servant[f] came to the place where Jonathan had shot it, and Jonathan called out to him,[g] “The arrow is beyond you, isn’t it?”

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  1. 1 Samuel 20:35 Lit. young man
  2. 1 Samuel 20:36 Lit. He
  3. 1 Samuel 20:36 Lit. young man
  4. 1 Samuel 20:36 Lit. young man
  5. 1 Samuel 20:36 Lit. he
  6. 1 Samuel 20:37 Lit. young man
  7. 1 Samuel 20:37 Lit. young man