1 Samuel 17:47-49
1599 Geneva Bible
47 And that all this assembly may know, that the Lord saveth not with sword nor with spear, (for the battle is the Lord’s) and he will give you into our hands.
48 And when the Philistine arose to come and draw near unto David, David [a]hasted and ran to fight against the Philistine.
49 And David put his hand in his bag, and took out a stone, and slang it, and smote the Philistine in his forehead, that the stone sticked in his forehead, and he fell groveling to the earth.
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- 1 Samuel 17:48 Being moved with a fervent zeal to be revenged upon this blasphemer of God’s name.
Geneva Bible, 1599 Edition. Published by Tolle Lege Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles, reviews, and broadcasts.
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