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14 In the initial attack, Jonathan and his armor bearer struck down about twenty men in an area of about half an acre[a] of land. 15 There was terror in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. Even the garrison and the raiders were terrified. The earth shook, and there was even greater terror.[b]

16 Saul’s sentries in Gibeah of Benjamin watched as the camp[c] was in disarray,[d] going this way and that.[e]

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  1. 1 Samuel 14:14 An acre represents the amount of land a yoke of oxen could plow in a day.
  2. 1 Samuel 14:15 Lit. it became a terror of God
  3. 1 Samuel 14:16 Lit. the multitude
  4. 1 Samuel 14:16 Lit. melted away
  5. 1 Samuel 14:16 Lit. here