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19-20 The entire family was up early the next morning and went to the Tabernacle to worship the Lord once more. Then they returned home to Ramah, and when Elkanah slept with Hannah, the Lord remembered her petition; in the process of time, a baby boy was born to her. She named him Samuel (meaning “asked of God”)[a] because, as she said, “I asked the Lord for him.”

21-22 The next year Elkanah and Peninnah and her children went on the annual trip to the Tabernacle without Hannah, for she told her husband, “Wait until the baby is weaned, and then I will take him to the Tabernacle and leave him there.”

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  1. 1 Samuel 1:19 named him Samuel (meaning “asked of God”). This was a play on words. The word Samuel in Hebrew sounds like the word “to ask.”

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