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17 Saul said to Michal, “Why have you deceived me like this and let my enemy go, so that he has escaped?” Michal answered Saul, “He said to me, ‘Let me go; why should I kill you?’ ”

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22 Abner said again to Asahel, “Turn away from following me; why should I strike you to the ground? How then could I show my face to your brother Joab?”(A)

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16 Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?

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The Massacre of the Infants

16 When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi,[a] he was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had learned from the magi.[b]

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  1. 2.16 Or astrologers
  2. 2.16 Or astrologers

20 Ahab said to Elijah, “Have you found me, O my enemy?” He answered, “I have found you. Because you have sold yourself to do what is evil in the sight of the Lord,(A)

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20 When Absalom’s servants came to the woman at the house, they said, “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?” The woman said to them, “They have crossed over the brook[a] of water.” And when they had searched and could not find them, they returned to Jerusalem.(A)

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  1. 17.20 Meaning of Heb uncertain

12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice, and the woman said to Saul, “Why have you deceived me? You are Saul!”

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17 The king said to the guard who stood around him, “Turn and kill the priests of the Lord, because their hand also is with David; they knew that he fled and did not disclose it to me.” But the servants of the king would not raise a hand to attack the priests of the Lord.(A)

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14 When Saul sent messengers to take David, she said, “He is sick.”(A)

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17 But the midwives feared God; they did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but they let the boys live.(A) 18 So the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and said to them, “Why have you done this and allowed the boys to live?” 19 The midwives said to Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife comes to them.”

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