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Live for God

11 ·Dear friends [L Beloved], I ·beg [urge; exhort] you as ·foreigners [strangers; sojourners; resident aliens; 1:17] and ·strangers in this world [exiles; temporary residents; refugees; foreigners; 1:1; Gen. 23:4] to ·avoid [abstain from] the ·evil things your bodies want to do [L fleshly/worldly desires] that fight against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among unbelievers [L the Gentiles/pagans] that, even though they might ·say that you are doing wrong [slander you; accuse you of doing evil], they will see the good things you do and will give glory to God ·on the day when Christ comes again [when Christ comes to judge; L on the day of visitation].

Yield to Every Human Authority

13 For the Lord’s sake, ·yield [submit; be subject] to ·the people who have authority in this world [or every human institution/creation; Rom. 13:1–7; Titus 3:1]: the ·king [or emperor], who is the ·highest [supreme] authority,

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